Below are 100+ acrylic landscape painting ideas. These ideas are intended to provide you inspiration for your own acrylic landscape painting. After the photos, I have included a list of acrylic landscape painting tips for beginners and ten acrylic landscape tutorial videos for you to learn from.
Acrylic Landscape Art Inspiration Ideas

Acrylic Landscape Painting Tips for Beginners
- Easy to Start – I like to recommend beginners to start with a basic countryside landscape scene. These scenes are forgiving in composition and require minimal detailing, featuring simple shapes like rolling hills and trees. The color palette is typically limited and straightforward, mainly involving greens, blues, and browns. Countryside landscape acrylic scenes also allow for experimentation with brushstrokes and textures, making it a great way to practice fundamental techniques like blending and layering.
- Start with the Sky – It’s always a good idea to start with your sky. The sky sets the mood of your landscape. For serene scenes, use soft blues and whites. For dramatic effects, blend oranges, reds, and purples, especially in sunset or sunrise scenes.
- Mountains – To add mountains to your acrylic landscape art, start by using geometric shapes to outline mountain ranges. Begin with lighter colors in the background, adding darker tones for closer peaks to create depth. Remember to paint shadows on one side of the mountains to give them a three-dimensional effect.
- Lakes – Adding lakes or ponds can be complicated due to reflection. You’ll want to learn how to reflect the sky and surrounding landscape in your water. Use horizontal brushstrokes for a calm surface, and add small waves with white or lighter colors to depict movement.
- Light – If you are a beginner, make sure you start by identifying your light source. Consistently apply it across your scene. Use lighter tones for areas hit by light and darker tones for shadows.
- Seasonal Elements – Adding seasonal elements to your landscape acrylic painting is a good way to make it feal real. You can adapt your color palette to match the season. Blooming flowers for spring, lush greenery for summer, warm tones for autumn, and whites and blues for winter scenes.
Acrylic Landscape Painting Tutorials for Beginners
Below are some acrylic landscape painting tutorials so you can follow along and learn from popular online creators:
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #1 – This tutorial guides viewers through sketching and painting a mountain, focusing on techniques like layering with a palette knife and creating texture with colors like cerulean blue, violet, and yellow ochre. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #2 – This tutorial offers a step-by-step guide for beginners to paint a mountain landscape on an 8 x 10-inch canvas. It teaches blending, depth creation, and color mixing with a limited, simple palette of cobalt blue and cadmium red. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #3 – This beginner-friendly time-lapse tutorial demonstrates painting a winter lake and mountain landscape. It also covers techniques for painting water reflections and grass. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #4 – This tutorial provides a three-step approach to painting mountains with acrylics, emphasizing shape formation with chalk, filling in with dark colors, and highlighting with a fan brush for realistic textures. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #5 – This tutorial guides viewers through a 10-minute acrylic painting challenge of a misty forest landscape, emphasizing the use of a square-headed brush and a range of colors to create depth and texture. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #6 – This tutorial demonstrates how to paint fog or mist in a wooded forest using simple techniques. It focuses on creating a realistic acrylic forest landscape for beginners. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #7 – This tutorial provides a step-by-step guide for beginners to create a forest acrylic painting using only Prussian blue (which keeps things simple). You only need to repeat two simple steps and techniques to complete this painting. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #8 – This acrylic landscape painting tutorial shows you how to create a foggy forest scene using black, white, Prussian blue, and cad yellow. It teaches blending techniques and layering to depict background and foreground trees. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #9 – This tutorial guides beginners through creating a beautiful sunset scene on an 8×10 inch pre-primed canvas, emphasizing the use of a hairdryer for drying layers. Click here to view.
Acrylic Landscape Tutorial #10 – This tutorial offers a step-by-step guide for beginners to paint an acrylic sunset scene with contrasting black trees. Click here to view.
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